Auto Insurance in and around Lafayette
Auto owners in the Lafayette area, State Farm can help with your insurance needs.
Insurance that's the wheel deal

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Insure For Smooth Driving
You've got the vehicle. Now it's time to put it into drive and choose the right insurance.
Auto owners in the Lafayette area, State Farm can help with your insurance needs.
Insurance that's the wheel deal

Your Search For Auto Insurance Is Over
Great liability coverage, comprehensive coverage, car rental and travel expenses coverage, and more, could be yours with a policy from State Farm. State Farm agent Katie Sanford can show you which of those coverage options, as well as savings options like the good driver discount and Drive Safe & Save™, you may be eligible for!
When back luck puts you off road, coverage from State Farm can help. Contact agent Katie Sanford to discover the advantages of State Farm auto insurance.
Have More Questions About Auto Insurance?
Call Katie at (337) 989-9330 or visit our FAQ page.
Simple Insights®
How to deal with parking lot accidents
How to deal with parking lot accidents
Parking lot accidents are an all-too-common hassle for today's drivers. State Farm offers some advice for what to do if you're involved in a fender bender.
Tips to deal with common home emergencies
Tips to deal with common home emergencies
Do you have an effective emergency management plan? Here are step-by-step instructions to deal with common home emergencies.

Katie Sanford
State Farm® Insurance AgentSimple Insights®
How to deal with parking lot accidents
How to deal with parking lot accidents
Parking lot accidents are an all-too-common hassle for today's drivers. State Farm offers some advice for what to do if you're involved in a fender bender.
Tips to deal with common home emergencies
Tips to deal with common home emergencies
Do you have an effective emergency management plan? Here are step-by-step instructions to deal with common home emergencies.